Judges' Corner

Master Judges


Dianna Malley, Vacaville (707) 410-7208 D4, D45, D49
Sheri Herchkorn, Watsonville (Rules Chairman) (831) 227-5861 D2, D27
Andy Krogh, Valley Center (760) 505-8241 D10, D33, D5
Randy Young, Riverside (951) 684-9058 D20
Janet Young, Riverside (951) 312-2182 D17, D19
Margo Albatti, Santa Margarita (805) 459-1736 D14, D40, D18, D35, D19
Lea Legnon, Hollister (408) 461-0112 D1, D2, D6
Timmi Lemen, Vacaville (707) 301-6655 D3, D50
Sonja Peery, Bakersfield (661) 808-1963 Provisional Master Judge

Items from the MAC:

2/2025: Following a question to the MAC, pants must have belt loops so that the required belt or 1/2 belt can be worn correctly.  The MAC feels it was always the intent of the rule that pants allowed as part of the CGA dress code would have belt loops.  This will be brought to convention for discussion.

12/2024: Following questions regarding wearing a hood of a sweatshirt, hoodie or jacket under a helmet, the MAC believes the intent of the rule is that nothing is to be worn under a helmet. No hoods, beanies or anything that can affect the way the helmet fits a riders head. This item will be placed on the agenda for the Rules and Judges Meeting at Convention 2025.

The MAC also wants to remind riders that they may not have the hood of a jacket, sweatshirt etc. over their head during an event. No beanies, ski hats etc. are allowed on course. Doing so will be a dress code violation. Yes we realize it is cold, but these must be removed before starting an event.

Recent Rule Changes

Change Date 11/16/2024:

  • 4.7 Leave the Arena - The rider is requested to acknowledge the judge after bringing his/her horse under control. The rider should watch for the judge’s signal to leave the arena before walking the horse from the arena. The rider should not dismount at any time while in the arena without permission of the judge. However, if the rider dismounts for reason of safety or reasons beyond their control, the judge’s permission to dismount is implied.

Interested in becoming a Judge?

Any CGA member may apply to become an apprentice at 16 years of age or an official CGA judge at 18 years of age.  They must complete the entire process within 18 months of getting their apprentice card.  If they fail to do so, the apprenticeship is canceled and the candidate must start over from the beginning.  An apprentice may not start judging or taking tests until the apprentice card is received from the CGA State Office.  You can read the full criteria in the CGA Rule Book Section 6.1 - Requirements to become a CGA Judge.  You can request an apprentice packet by emailing [email protected].