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Events On Horseback

Our folks will be hosting amazing shows in the State of California

What's New, What's News!!

Entry forms for both Classics are below. Remember if you are submitting an online entry, payment should be sent as well. If payment is not submitted within 48 hours, entries will be deleted.

On site entries are an option - there will be a $10 on site processing fee so enter early to avoid that fee.

Stalls and camping spots for both locations are assigned in the order of payment received. Once full, a waiting list will be created 🌟Stalls and camping for the Southern Classic will be managed by the hosting District 19 directly.
➡️Northern Classic - Lincoln, CA hosted by CGA District 3
➡️Southern Classic - Tehachapi, CA hosted by Hotshot Riders CGA District 19
California Gymkhana Association

Sign Up For Year End Awards!

Yes, it's that time again! The 2024-2025 season runs from August 1, 2024, through the CGA State Show Finals till the end of July 2025. You have 60 days following your first show to sign up for the Year End Awards.

Otherwise, your rides from that show will not count! Sign up now before you forget! Select the type of Award (such as Level 1, Level 2, Family Team Awards, etc.) you wish to earn, and submit the appropriate form. Want more info? Click on Awards Programs.

Looking for Pictures from all Districts to put on the home page of CGA website please send to [email protected]

California Gymkhana Association
California Gymkhana Association